lundi 28 mai 2007

Soy Córdobese de la tierra de Julio Romero

From rainy Brussels, we decided to go to the land of the olives and the southern sun in the high time of the Córdoba´s feria. For me, it was like going home visiting friends, enjoying the sun, smelling the jasmine smelled air (while Vanessa was on allergy pills) and eating too much tortilla, jamon and tinto de verano or Vargas as called in Córdoba. We had a great time chiling for a good week and haven´t really quite adjusted to being back. We´ll post more pictures mañana.
- El Córdobese (Jorden)

samedi 12 mai 2007

Vanessa's 30th B-day!

I have celebrated my 30th birthday during the whole past week (I'm exhausted, but not as much as Jorden).
I got a fountain pen from Jorden (I really, really, really like fountain pens which I link to my school days in France) + roses and had lobster for the first time- I didn't know it was so complicated to eat though, even if really good. I needed two napkins: one on my lap and another tied to my neck. Jorden had a blast watching me try to eat it...

Mom hasn't seen them yet, but she got me two beautiful dresses from a Belgian designer. And Kellynou sent me the most beautiful bouquet.

And last night, Jorden, with the precious assistance of Alix, and Debwa organised the greatest surprise b-day bbq party. We were lucky that it didn't rain until very late in the evening, just when people were starting to go home. Pictures soon to be posted...